Happy New Year, folks! Can you believe another year has gone by? We sure can’t. How is it that every year goes by faster and faster? It feels like we were just welcoming in the last New Year! Maybe that’s a sign of getting older! Or maybe it’s just that time flies when you’re having fun. Whatever the case may be, it’s that special time of year again and we couldn’t be happier to celebrate new beginnings. So, in honor of the New Year, we want to celebrate YOU! Our families, our customers, our readers and friends, our citrus growers, our stockists, and everyone in between. Celebrating this new year doesn’t need to be about perfecting yourself or setting impossible goals this year, but simply celebrating who you are and who we are together!

So, what are you celebrating right now? What are you hoping for this year? Most New Year’s resolutions are health-related which probably comes as no surprise. But unfortunately, most of those resolutions fail by February, according to a 2016 study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. But don’t feel helpless! It’s not that we CAN’T reach our goals. It’s all about how we set them and how realistic we are. Clinical Psychologist Joseph J. Luciani advises that we work on building self-trust by setting small goals that we KNOW we can handle. For example, if you know it’ll be truly difficult to go to the gym 5 days a week, then don’t make empty promises! What if you set the goal to be your best self by celebrating who you are NOW? Honor yourself by setting goals you know you can meet.

If you’re like most of us and want to start your year off healthier, think about goals you are excited about that you can actually achieve! Maybe you can sign up for a meal delivery kit to start cooking at home more. Maybe you can choose to buy veggies grown locally from the farmer’s market. Or maybe it’s drinking more juice and less soda. (wink wink). Whatever it is, we’re here for you and we’re trying to be our best selves too!

Let us know in the comments what your goals are this year. Health-related or not. We’d love to hear what you’re planning for this year!

Cheers to being your best self and never giving up!


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Fort Pierce, FL 34982